We uncovered a raw sewage spill at Bloemhof Dam in 2006. Raw sewage was pumped into the Vaal River due to a lack of maintenance at the local sewage works. Downstream thousands of fish died and the health of hundreds of people were affected. We reported on the matter on the GFG DVD, to the Beeld newspaper and various other publications. When we followed up on the story eight months later we found that the sewage works was being upgraded. Other municipalities which caused raw sewage to be spilled into the Vaal River soon followed. This was mainly due to all the bad publicity.
Pollution is a BIG problem in South Africa and is of major concern to the SA Carp Society. Various incidents over the past few years have proven this fact. Remember the raw sewage spills in the Vaal River, the chemical spill at Donaldson Dam, the Sand River, Loskop Dam and various other locations all over the country?
The SA Carp Society, through our alliances with the media, environmental groups and our angler network wishes to report, support and address issues related to pollution at various levels of society and government. The SA Carp Society is not on a mission to blame and shame organisations negatively impacting on the environment. We are simply committed to expose problem areas and negotiate long term solutions. Not only will we report on matters related to pollution, the SA Carp Society will also serve as a platform where pollution issues can be reported. Our alliances with existing conservation groups will ensure that these reports will be acted upon.

Donaldson Dam:
In November 2006 we were contacted about fish deaths at Donaldson Dam. The water was tested and high levels of Uranium were found. More than 600 fish died of which many were above 10 kg, even 20 kg. We were actively involved in reporting on the matter. The highlight was when Special Assignment used the footage in a report which was broadcasted on national TV.