Good day

Please take note that the owner of Kwaggahoek dam has appointed a new caretaker at the dam by the name of ‘Piet Otto’. He will move into the Kingfisher 2 chalet over the weekend and thus reside permanently at the dam. Piet’s duties will be to ensure that the facilities are kept neat and he will also assist with maintenance. He will first settle in this coming week before taking on his duties full time.

Piet will furthermore assist to ensure that all visitors to Kwaggahoek dam adhere to the ethical Carp and Kurper angling rules established by SACS at the dam.

Please take note that SACS will still handle all reservations at the dam for SACS members and day visitors to the camping areas and chalets. Piet will thus refer all reservation requests to SACS.

For your information.