Good day all SACS Subscribers

I wish to inform you that the SACS subscription fee will escalate by only R5 (and not R10 as in the past) for 2018. With this small escalation SACS hopes to keep it affordable for all current and valued Subscribers as we do not want to lose you due to a high or unafordable subscription fee.

The new subscription fees from the end of January 2018 will thus be as follows:

* R75 per family (Husband / Wife / Children under 18)

* R70 per subscriber in a family package where all wanted to subscribe individually (Husband / Wife / Children under 18)

* R110 per subscriber every second month for those who opted to receive the Carp Angler magazine with their subscription

* Still R95 for the old level 2 subscribers who pay this amount every month and also receive the Carp Angler magazine (this amount will not escalate in future also)

I hope you to find this sufficient. Please contact me at or Whatsapp 083-789 9082 with any inquiries in this regard.

Kind regards,

SACS Director