By: The Managing Director of SACS
Subscriber applications:

We are now in late Spring nearing the Summer months and many Specimen Carp Anglers started packing away their rods for the warmer months as big fish are normally only caught in the colder months they say. Many social Carp anglers have in the meantime also awaken from “hibernation” and have started to move out from their “lairs” to take on some heat and to enjoy life again. We have the two types of Carp anglers that we can perhaps also name the “Stonecolds” and the others the “Comfiers”. Indeed every type of Carp angler enjoys his/her passion in their own way as some like to catch less but larger fish while others like to catch more, with hopefully a biggie in-between.

The past few months I again had to experience the ill-discipline of the general fisherman / woman. I call them “fishers” because “anglers” they are definitely not. I had a women swearing at me as they only pitched up at a SACS venue and were agitated because they were not allowed to enter and fish due to not being official SACS Subscribers. After using a word riming with “folk” towards me, she ended the call without giving me the opportunity to respond. Well, I responded to her by SMS indicating that she is definitely not the type of person SACS would like to have visiting our venues. Indeed I had negotiated with many farmers in the past who were experiencing people just pitching up at their farm dams and fishing it without prior permission. Our farmers indeed do not like tension and many times just ignores these people hoping that they would catch nothing and stay away. Then they will find another group next weekend and then a larger group the next with loud music, screaming to one another while getting drunk. It is indeed the way of some people to think that they can do as they like and ignore basic manners. This is where SACS makes the difference to ensure that proper people and anglers visit our contracted private venues and it also keeps the owners happy.

I am so proud to say that after meeting many SACS Subscribers at our lakes that it is a pleasure to experience their commitment and passion to be part of an organization that affords them the opportunity to visit clean and safe venues, with indeed proper fish to catch in their natural environment. They know that they can discuss venue related information with one-another and enjoy the freedom to ask the next angler at a SACS venue where their bait is put out when arriving later. Knowledge is shared in abundance and many have indeed assisted others with information and tactics to land monster fish all over the country at the well-known big Carp venues.

Our subscribers indeed enjoy what nature has to offer them. They show self-discipline at all times while proudly displaying their capabilities to land big Carp, treating it properly and letting it go without injury. They are proudly living out their passion towards greater achievement in life!

Venues –

SACS is currently looking for a proper Carp angling venue in the Gauteng area for its Subscribers to fish. If you have access to such a venue and think that SACS can assist you to properly manage it I would like to hear from you soon. SACS always like to involve the initial Anglers of such a venue with the day to day running of it, thus the partnership will be beneficial to all. SACS can indeed provide a structured integrated online booking system, fee payment option and fish management solution. You will also have peace of mind that proper Carp anglers will be visiting the venue generating more income for the expansion of facilities.

Images –

This photo shows how Carp should NEVER be weighed.

This 15kg Carp is indeed treated very poorly by its captor.

Rather use a proper weigh sling or weigh it in the landing net with the scale attached to it.