Good day all SACS subscribers
I would like to provide you with some feedback with regard to challenges experienced with the debit orders (Subscriber fees) not paid by many subscribers and the financial impact it has on SACS due to this.
I wish to kindly request you to ensure that funds are available in your bank accounts for the SACS debit orders (Subscriber fees) for the end of February 2017 which is also the financial year end of SACS. Red Swallow Accountants is currently attending to the auditing and drafting of the financial year-end statements of SACS.
SACS has lost R3,010.00 in January 2017 alone due to debit orders of subscribers that did not go through and Carp Angler subscriptions not paid by 15 subscribers. The debit orders for 43 subscribers has been cancelled by SagePay on its system already this past financial year due to each debit order being declined for more than 2 months in a row.
The loss in total for the 2016-2017 financial year is approximately R35,000 already due to unpaid debit orders. This puts a lot of pressure on SACS as I am trying to save money to build facilities at Misty Lakes (and we could have build 2 proper Chalets with this money).
I have this finacial year also cancelled the subscriptions of 31 subscribers who cancelled with SACS directly with the reason that they don't use the facilities available. Some want to blame SACS for this. (SACS does not manage the diaries of subscribers and cannot force subscribers to make bookings. SACS provides the facilities but subscribers must decide if and when they want to use it.)
I kindly request your assistance to ensure that funds are available in your accounts for the SACS debit orders so that SACS can carry out its mandate to establish and keep in place proper facilities for its subscribers. It indeed is getting to be much more difficult to do this if the tendency by some to not pay subscriber fees continues during the upcoming 2017-2018 financial year.
SACS also acknowledges the day to day financial turmoil and burden many SACS subscribers might experience personally in their private lives... but SACS can also not survive without subscriber fees, although it might be the first expense cut by those subscribers in need.
I have the vision for SACS to expand tremendously in the 2017-2018 financial year as I have worked hard to lay the foundation for this in the current financial year by trying to get various suppliers on board as well... but his will only be achievable through a guaranteed and healthy financial capacity within SACS.
Your assistance in this regard will be highly appreciated.
Kind regards,
SACS Director